Math Teacher in Alabama Trying to Keep Students Honest

Many teachers try to use charm or cautionary tactics to induce discipline and hard work from their students.

One math teacher in Alabama, however, is taking that concept to a whole other level. Tim Hurry, a veteran instructor at Homewood High School, has made some interesting changes to the syllabus he is issuing to students in his advanced algebra and trigonometry class.

He warns on the syllabus that students who are not interested in working hard and completing their homework on a daily basis are in for a “rude awakening” and will need to change their attitude quickly.

Parents Cautioned

The document stresses the need for students to deal with extensive daily homework assignments and challenging exams that will make studying and class attendance an absolute necessity. Hurry says he takes it “personally” when students miss his exams and that those who do will have the experience haunt them “long after the test.”

The syllabus even has a message for the parents of his students to keep a watchful eye on their child’s schedule and progress and to make sure that extracurricular activities do not interfere with their math commitment.

His Way or the Highway

Some of the rules and regulations that Hurry has implemented in his already-legendary syllabus include the following:

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  • Students will not be permitted to sharpen pencils during class and should be prepared to receive a verbal reprimand from their fellow classmates if they attempt to.
  • Students caught sleeping in class may be asked to either stand at the podium for the remainder of the period or even jog laps around the classroom. Pictures may also be taken of students sleeping and sent to their parents via email.
  • No foul language in class
  • No “sucking up” to the teacher for better grades

The tone of the document does offer spots of occasional comic relief in the form of cute anecdotes and creative phrasing intended to lighten the mood of the piece, but Hurry has stated that overall, it is intended to be “all business.”